The College of New Jersey
Inter-Fraternal Council
The Inter-fraternal Council oversees all fraternities with active charters at the college and works to promote the shared interests and values of our member fraternities: leadership, service, brotherhood, and scholarship. We believe in Fraternity and that the shared values of Fraternity drive the IFC to create a better college community, better chapters, and better men. We work to advance the academic mission of the TCNJ, to enable fraternal organizations to grow and thrive through collaboration and teamwork, to provide an outlet for self-governance and accountability, and to model and teach ethical leadership. In a spirit of mutual support and betterment, we, the men of the Interfraternity Council, pledge to elevate the Ritual and the values of the member organizations to better themselves and the college.
The North-American Interfraternity Conference is an association of 75 collegiate men's fraternities that seeks to advocate advancement and growth of the fraternity community as well as enrichment of the fraternity experience. At TCNJ there are 11 fraternities that are members of the NIC, which comprise TCNJs Inter-Fraternity Council. They include:
Alpha Epsilon Pi - Alpha Chi Rho - Beta Theta Pi- Delta Epsilon Psi- Delta Lambda Phi - Delta Tau Delta - Phi Alpha Delta Phi Kappa Psi - Phi Mu Alpha- Sigma Alpha Epsilon-
The 2017 Inter-Fraternal Council is:
President - Andrew Statkevich - Phi Alpha Delta
Vice President - Anthony Zhang - Phil Alpha Dellta
Vice President of Judicial Affairs- Ryan Borchers - Delta Tau Delta
Vice President of Recruitment - Oscar Nazar - Delta Tau Delta
Secretary/Treasurer - Robert Pallein - Delta Tau Delta
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